SSS- Football Posts
"In life as in football, you wont go far, unless you know where the goalposts are."
Quote by Arnold H. Glasgow
I agree with this quote by Arnold H. Glasgow. This quote relates from football to real life. In football you have offense and defense and in offense you must know where the goalpost is to score a field goal (3 pts.) or a touchdown (6 pts.). If you go the opposite way you will make it easier for the defense. The goalpost would be you're goal and you are the offense and the people trying to stop you from making it to your goal are the defense. You must pass every one to score/achieve your goal. This can go for every sport because you must know where you have to score (your goal). There will always be a defense trying to stop you from scoring or getting to your goal and you must either "juke" them to get there. You always have to have high goals and challenge yourself to achieve more. For example for football we workout and I max out 155 lbs in power clean and now my goal is to max out 215 lbs at least. So you must always know where the goalpost is to achieve you're goal/score. Always try your best to achieve those goals and aim high.
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