SSS- Wrong is never right
"Even if everyone is doing it,
wrong is NEVER right."
Quote by Russell M. Nelson
I agree with this quote by Russell M. Nelson. If everyone is doing something wrong it doesn't mean you should do it and you know it wouldn't feel right.For example if you cheat on a test or copy homework from someone else, its bad and at the end you won't learn anything from it. You would probably feel horrible for doing something bad. Cheating may get you A's but at the end you are just cheating yourself because you don't learn anything and when the day of the big test comes you wont know how to do it and fail. When I work out for football i don't just do half a push up and not go all the way down because at the end I would just cheat myself by not getting any stronger. To achieve your goal you just have to work hard for it and not take the easy way because it would come with consequences.
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