SSS- What we do today

"It may make a difference to all eternity whether we do right or wrong today."
Quote by James Freeman Clarke

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James Freeman Clarke a great point. Whether you do something good or bad it will always make a difference. For example that man that years ago was shooting at the movie theaters in Colorado he probably killed many people and that made a difference but a bad difference because he was crazy and he killed many innocent people and that changed the lifes of the innocent people's family. But if he chose the right and not done that, it would've been a better choice and been a good difference. Its always to do something good. For example, if you something heroic you would be doing the right thing and good things may happen to you and you will possibly come out on the news and be respected and be seen as a hero and seen as a good guy. But if you go shooting people than you will be seen as a bad person and everyone will remember you as a bad person and theirs always consequences and things just happen whether its good or bad. Its always better to be seen as a good person that chooses the right and make a good difference.


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